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You are browsing the web-site, which contains photos and videos of nude celebrities. in case you don’t like or not tolerant to nude and famous women, please, feel free to close the web-site. All other people have a nice time watching!
Who are the celebrities and what does “nude” mean, you can find on Wikipedia.
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pinche bastardo ya me cogi a tu puta madre niñote de 7 años jajaja
English translation: “Click bastard I already took your fucking mother 7 year old boy hahaha”... that didn’t really make much sense at all...
Ahora vi tu mensaje. ¿Tanto te importo? ¿no querrás pedirme para una cita eh?
English translation: “Now I saw your message. Do you care so much? Won't you ask me for a date huh?”
Hola! Vaya descubrimiento con Joana Vilapuig!! La sigo desde que la vi en Polseres vermelles y no sabía nada del desnudo en La arteria invisible. Tiene algún desnudo más en otra peli? Gracias!!!
English translation: “Hello! What a discovery with Joana Vilapuig!! I follow her since I saw her in Polseres Vermelles and I didn't know anything about naked in The Invisible Artery. Do you have any more naked in another movie? Thank you!!!” That didn’t really make much sense either... I think you meant that you didn’t know she was naked in The Invisible Artery. I think you also meant that you were wondering if she was naked in some other films.”
Ostia, no vi tu comentario hasta ahora xD, de nada, si la encontré de pura chiripa, la conocía de esa serie pero nunca la vi, mi sorpresa al ver que tenía un buen tetámen me impresionó jaja, como su hermana pequeña, Mireia, hizo un corto y hacía topless. Y por cierto, te vi en la página de Merlí aquí y falta bastante contenido, ya que hay bastantes desnudos y escenas calientes. Y no, no tengo algo más así parecido, ya digo, lo encontré al azar sin quererlo, seguro que hay joyas por ahí guardadas.
English translation: “Ostia, I didn't see your comment so far xD, you're welcome, if I found it from pure chiripa, I knew her from that series but I never saw her, my surprise to see that she had a good tetanus impressed me haha, like her little sister, Mireia, she made a short and made topless. And by the way, I saw you on Merlí's page here and there's a lot of content missing, since there are quite a few nudes and hot scenes. And no, I don't have something else like that, I say, I found it randomly without wanting it, surely there are jewels out there.“