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A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 (1987) Nude Scenes

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 (1987) Nude Scenes

Original title: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller

Director: Chuck Russell

Country: United States

bot (03/28/2011), janwetzel2 (12/29/2016), Ramasp (02/10/2021)

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FistFuckFamilyCBT Nov 27, 2019 | -1

I’ve noticed that actress Penelope Sudrow (the girl who portrayed as Jennifer Caulfield) is not on this website. Her character got killed by Freddy Krueger as she is watching television. Just before Freddy slams her head into the television set, he says, "This is it, Jennifer: your big break in TV. Welcome to prime time, bitch!!" She already turned 21 when this came out.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Nov 27, 2019 | -1

Jennifer Rubin was still in her mid-20s (almost 26 at the time) when this came out.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Nov 27, 2019 | -1

Patricia Arquette was still 18 (almost 19) at the time when this came out.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Sep 3, 2018 | -1

One of the only NOES films to have boobs...

FistFuckFamilyCBT Nov 27, 2019 | -1

Rodney Eastman (Joey from this film and NOES 4: The Dream Master) was over 19 and a half at the time this came out and she was already 21 when The Dream Master (the fourth NOES film) was released.

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