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FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 18, 2020 | 0

She ain’t ashamed to be black, she ain’t ashamed to be white, just like fellow biracial person Logic (rapper)...

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 5, 2020 | -2

OK... how the fuck is a black chick... she doesn’t look like she’s a nigger... she ain’t no coon... she looks way more white than black... is she that type of biracial chick is way more white than black, despite having a black parent as well as a white parent??? I’m just confused about this...

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 12, 2020 | 0

Plus, the reason why I was confused about ‘black’ being one of her keywords (with myself wondering if she’s mixed-race, yet looks so white) is because of the rapper Logic is biracial and he’s considered to be an African-American, based on his having a black dad and white mum, despite Logic himself looking so white...

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 15, 2020 | 0

*Him, I meant, not his...

RowsdowerLives Feb 5, 2020 | -1

You're why this site should have a block button. You describe yourself as a "bloke"? I can only hope that means you're British. If so, thanks for making Brexit happen. Now the EU is less tainted by your filth. Have a nice day, motherfucker!

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 12, 2020 | 0

Well, yeah, I am British but I’m more specifically from Northern Ireland, which is part of the U.K. alongside Scotland, England and Wales, so that’s why I called myself a bloke. Plus, I’m a Protestant (Unionist/ Loyalist), so that’s why I prefer to call myself British/ Northern Irish instead of Irish (Catholics, Republicans AKA taigs/ fenians). I voted to remain instead of voting for the EU to leave. Mostly Northern Irish and Scottish people voted to remain whilst English and Wales voted to leave. The fact that you have said about the EU is less tainted by my filth (when I was gonna more specifically add in that the EU is less tainted by my “Cradle Of Filth”, in reference to the band Cradle Of Flith but I’m not really much of a fan of their music).