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Potboiler Feb 27, 2024 | 0

Hello, "Ride"; that was an informed and intelligent comment, and I apologize for the extent of my criticism earlier. I have little tolerance for those who make derogatory comments against others while forgetting they are human beings, especially while moralizing about sexual matters. You made a valid point regarding how actresses who perform onscreen sex that is not simulated may hurt those they "are engaged or married to," but "engaged" is a gray area (think bachelor parties), and as far as those who are married, you are forgetting these are actors. Their spouses have to live with their partners doing sex scenes, if that's what the role requires (including "regular" sex scenes, unlike INTIMACY; such scenes could also be steamy, and there is a fine line. Such regular actresses, or the "non-slutty" variety as you might classify them, are also taking "money to do something that should be done for love,") You cannot speak for the dynamics of relationships of others. In the case of Kerry Fox, an actress I have never heard of, you wrote in your first comment, "She was married." Perhaps you consulted incorrect sources as "marriedbiography[DOT]com," claiming she had wed a man (Linklater) in 1995, but in fact the year was 2004 (see Fox's iMDb page). She had divorced a previous husband in 1997. See 2009 "Daily Mail" article (headline beginning with, "Actress Kerry Fox has come full circle..."). So (unlike your claim) she was unmarried at the time of INTIMACY, but per the DM article, the scene did cause friction with her then boyfriend; she felt, however, that the "experience actually strengthened their relationship." Given how some simple-minded (and "moralizing") fools in the press described the film ("that is emotionally bleak and in no way titillating") as "porn," she also describes how one reporter made her "shocked and horrified" and that "Even now I feel humiliated." it should dawn on you how your unfair negative judgments may hurt those who are fellow human beings.(Such a "moral" man as yourself is doing something very immoral. "...Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”) You concluded by classifying actresses in mainstream films who engage in unsimulated sex as"SLUTS." Putting aside the implication that you are so morally perfect (what are you hypocritically doing on this site, then?), you are making these actresses out to be lowdown and dirty whores. Just because you don't need to worry about libel suits in the safety of internet anonymity does not give you the right to unfairly disparage others. You should be ashamed of yourself. While "slut" is an offensive term, what is a slut anyway? At its core, it signifies a woman who enjoys sex. What is the opposite of a slut? A prude. What kind of woman would a sex-loving man prefer?

ride Feb 27, 2024 | 0

"Fox and Linklater were in the first first flush of their relationship, with a baby on the way, when they had to deal with the impact of Intimacy on them as a couple." (

ride Feb 27, 2024 | 0

I'm not ashamed of myself, and I'm not the only one who thinks this about Kerry Fox . From the below linked article: "During the Q&A session, Kerry Fox spoke of her appalling treatment by some journalists in the UK who clearly think that she is a slut for daring to do what she did. " ( You think differently and I have no problem with that, bye.

ride Feb 27, 2024 | 0

I'm not ashamed of myself, and I'm not the only one who thinks this about Kerry Fox . From the below linked article: "During the Q&A session, Kerry Fox spoke of her appalling treatment by some journalists in the UK who clearly think that she is a slut for daring to do what she did. " ( You think differently and I have no problem with that, bye.

Fester Mar 25, 2015 | -6

ugly bitch too lol

Potboiler Feb 26, 2024 | -1

Regarding the comment of "Fester," how could anyone call this lovely woman "ugly"? (Not just ugly, but to be even more disrespectful, a "bitch.") Beyond the absurdity, such terminology is just so incredibly cruel (but what may we expect from anonymous idiots on the web who don't care about possibly hurting the feelings of real people). Beyond her appearance, movie fans (and fans of lovely ladies) owe Kerry Fox a special debt of gratitude for being cool enough, and brave enough, to go where few actresses would dare (especially in an age where nudity itself has come to be discouraged); that's when she engaged in actual oral sex in INTIMACY (2000), the kind of action that carries the threat of courting disaster to careers of what Hollywood normally demands of serious performers. (In other words, anything associated with what simple minds would call "porn" could be the kiss of death.) Shame on you, "Fester." Definitely with no "LOL" added.

The Flash May 31, 2017 | 5

she is NOT ugly she's hot

Tony Montana Mar 24, 2015 | 2

good bitch !!

Comment from appearance: Naked Kerry Fox in Intimacy
ride Nov 18, 2020 | -2

She sucked her male co-star dick. She was married. What a slut.

Potboiler Feb 26, 2024 | -1

Well, look at who is laying moral judgment. This character called "Ride," whose intellectual capacity is demonstrated by his command with the English language. (That would be "male co-star'S dick.") So here is "Ride," eager to exercise his ethical superiority (you know, while making use of "Ancensored," a site that other "morally superior" fools would be quick to condemn) by attempting to disgrace a woman with the word "slut," while basking in the cowardly safety of internet anonymity. Quite the contrary, movie fans (and fans of lovely women) owe Kerry Fox a special debt of gratitude for being cool enough, and brave enough, to go where few actresses would dare (especially in an age where nudity itself has come to be discouraged); that's when she engaged in the kind of risky action that carries the threat of courting disaster to careers of what Hollywood normally demands of serious performers. In other words, anything associated with what simple minds would call "porn" could be the kiss of death. Ms. Fox deserves great praise, but then again, there are so many knuckleheads in this world... such as "Ride."

ride Feb 26, 2024 | 0

There are five types of depicting an unsimulated sexual act in mainstream films: 1) Porn actors are used as stunt doubles (Film example: Behind Convent Walls, Caligula, La Vie de Jésus, Baise-moi, Antichrist). 2) Prosthetic penises are used (Film example: Dronningen, Tell Me You Love Me, Batalla en el cielo, Nymphomaniac). 3) The protagonists of the scenes are engaged or married to each other. (Example actresses:Chloë Sevigny, Kathleen Morgeneyer). 4) The protagonists of the scenes are not engaged or married to each other, but they have no outside relationship. (Example actresses: Eiko Matsuda, Isabelle Illiers, Maruschka Detmers, Loredana Cannata, Elisabetta Cavallotti, Claudia Rojas, Margo Stilley, Gry Bay, Lauren Lee Smith, Shari Solanis, Aomi Muyock). 5) The protagonists of the scenes are engaged or married to people outside. (Example actresses: Caroline Ducey, Kerry Fox, Sook-Yin Lee, Tjitske Reidinga). These actresses took money to do something that should be done for love, putting their real-life partners in trouble. In my opinion they are absolutely and unquestionably SLUTS.

ride Feb 26, 2024 | 0

Ok, she sucked her male co-star's dick. Are you happy, now?

Comment from appearance: Naked Kerry Fox in Intimacy
comicbookguy Jul 15, 2017 | 1

Not that great looking, but perfect tits and willing to have a dick in her mouth on film puts her on my list!

japeac1980 Apr 8, 2020 | 0


japeac1980 Apr 8, 2020 | 0

quien es la vieja cuando empieza el clip!? da miedo!!!