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Apr 21, 2016, 12:55:51 PM 1 answer(s) Type: General

Love the site but concerned

Hello. Is anyone else concerned? i love the site and contribute to it often but it seems like no one is home

Blogs and news haven't been touched in a year. I get strange pop-ups that seem to be infectious

Anyone else feeling it? I hope I am wrong!


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dandycool Apr 25, 2016 | 0

Love is all you Need- John Lennon. ;)) But this might not be a site with hyperactivity but it is till one of the best totally FREE celebrity nudity site on the net as far as I know. Its presentation is very simple so user doesn't have to be lost in the complex learning curve so to speak. Those points itself make it winner in my book cause that saves both time and money (free). Though I agree not very chatty users but I guess we can live with that plus we have enough of that type of sites on the net as such. This database is I think now is just uploaded voluntarily by users even I have been doing that since I found the site sometime back. But yes there might be some glitches and such but not something that would be deal breaker for me. As for infectious PopUp not sure whats the deal with that because I use Firefox which automatically kills any such activity, I would suggest you try that since it is the best browser on the net again after Chromes and such went the path of IE. This will surely take care of your Pop ups anyway..