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Sep 2, 2015, 5:02:39 AM 1 answer(s) Type: General

Rules for submitting content

Is there somewhere on this site that contains the rules for what can and cannot be uploaded as content?

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thehawk Sep 2, 2015 | 0

Attention! When uploading photo or video content, make it in accordance with the following rules: 1. Most importantly, all media files must contain a full or partial nudity or at least have exquisite sexual character. All other media will be removed by the moderators. 2. If your files have already being named in a proper way (For example: filename_1.jpg, filename_2.jpg), they will be uploaded in a correct order. 3. It’s advised to upload up to 2-3 videos at once. In case you are uploading a big video file, please, do no combine it with any other uploads at the same time. 4. Please, do not upload too many screenshots of a single scene, especially if it’s not representing a great value of explicit sexual nudity. The same applies to videos. 5. Low quality media is accepted only in exceptional cases, when it’s not possible to find a better quality content. Nevertheless, if the content does not allow to see any nudity because of extremely low quality, it's not advised to upload those kind of files. 6. Please, delete existing videos or photos, only if you can upload the same ones with a better quality. 7. Uploading of a fake content is strictly prohibited. In case of repeating violations, user’s account will be blocked. 8. All changes are registered and can be undone by the moderators. Acts of vandalism will result in the loss of your own time. 9. It’s allowed to upload only up to 10 photos and 2 videos in the “Miscellaneous” category for one celebrity, from one user within 24 hours. Please, choose the best content, all other media will be deleted. In case of repeating violations, user’s account will be blocked.