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FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 13, 2020 | 0

I thought I would let you know that I am British but I’m more specifically from Northern Ireland, which is part of the U.K. alongside Scotland, England and Wales, so that’s why I called myself a bloke. Plus, I’m a Protestant (Unionist/ Loyalist), so that’s why I prefer to call myself British/ Northern Irish instead of Irish (Catholics, Republicans AKA taigs/ fenians) and I am not of a sectarian cunt because I detest Catholicism. I don’t like Catholics as much as Prods, hence myself calling them derogatory terms such as taigs and fenians. I voted to remain instead of voting for the EU to leave. Mostly Northern Irish and Scottish people voted to remain whilst English and Wales voted to leave the EU... I’d be up for seeing you getting retaliated by some paramilitary guy who will go as far as beating the bollocks outta you as well as trying to get you kneecapped and probably trying to take a chance on getting your skull fractured...